Disability Documentation Guidelines

Students enrolling at Mineral Area College who are seeking services for a disability must submit appropriate documentation and meet with the Access Director to determine eligibility for services. The documentation should support the service request. The documentation required will vary according to the type of disability and must be discussed with the Access Director. The Access Office reserves the right to request additional documentation prior to determining eligibility for services.
Documentation should include:
- A diagnostic statement identifying the disability, date of the current diagnostic evaluation, and the date of the original diagnosis.
- A description of the diagnostic criteria and/or diagnostic test(s) used, along with specific test results.
- A description of the current functional impact of the disability in the educational environment.
- Treatments, medications, assistive devices/services currently prescribed or in use.
- A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability over time.
- Recommendations for effective academic accommodations to equalize the student’s educational opportunities at the postsecondary level.
- The credentials, address, phone and fax number of the diagnosing professional(s).
Examples of Acceptable Documentation:
Learning Disability - Complete adult intelligence and achievement test results administered by a qualified psychological examiner is recommended along with a history of disability.
Health Disability - Statement of diagnosis from a medical doctor.
Head Injury - Psychological testing, neuropsychological testing, or rehabilitation reports.
Attention Deficit Disorder, Psychiatric Disabilities, and Alcohol/Chemical Dependency - Documentation by a medical doctor, licensed psychologist, or a psychiatrist.
Hard of Hearing/Deafness - Documented by audiogram administered by an audiologist.
Low Vision/Blindness - The result of visual acuity tests documenting visual impairment or blindness.
Documenting Temporary Conditions
- A clear statement of diagnosis and pertinent history.
- Current documentation from a qualified professional indicating impact in the educational environment.
- A description of present symptoms, fluctuating conditions/symptoms, the expected duration of the condition, and the prognosis.
Access services may be available to assist students with temporary conditions on a provisional basis.
The Access Office will assist the student in knowing what type of documentation is needed to be eligible for temporary services. The student will be responsible for obtaining the documentation to support the service request and any cost involved for the documentation. Students need to also remain in contact with their instructors to keep them informed of their situations.