Student Responsibilities

The Access Office at Mineral Area College provides services for students who have documented disabilities. In order to receive these services a student must:
- Make an appointment with the Access Director by contacting the Access Office located on the 1st floor of the Arts and Sciences building, Room 117 at (573) 518-2152 on the Park Hills main campus.
- Submit documentation of disability to Access Office. Students are responsible for providing documentation and the costs involved in obtaining documentation.
- Meet with the Access Office Director to complete and discuss an Acceptance of Accommodation Form as well as an Instructor Notification Form each semester for which services are requested—services are not automatically provided each semester. Final approval of services cannot be made until the student has enrolled for classes. Requests for interpreter services and texts in alternate formats must be made well in advance of the beginning of the new semester. Students need to submit their requests for these services in advance to ensure that appropriate accommodations will be in place for the start of the next semester. A failure to do so might limit our ability to meet a student's needs in a timely manner.
- Deliver Instructor Notification Forms to instructors before the semester starts or within the first two weeks of the semester and request a private meeting with your instructor to discuss accommodations, as appropriate. It is the student's responsibility to discuss the accommodations requested in the Instructor Notification Form (volunteer note-takers, out of class testing, etc.) with instructors. Please see the Access Director for assistance on how to discuss accommodations.
- Assist in arranging appropriate accommodations as discussed with the Access Director and as noted on the Instructor Notification and Acceptance of Accommodation Forms.
- Maintain contact with the Access Office. Be sure to inform the Access Director immediately of any changes in schedules, new accommodation needs, academic difficulties, concerns, etc. Changes in services will be considered at any time after you are approved for Access services. If a course is added or withdrawn, please inform the Access Director immediately.
Accessible Parking Permits
Accessible parking permits are available to those students with both permanent and temporary conditions requiring the use of closer parking to access buildings on campus. To request a permit, you will need to provide documentation of your condition from one of the following sources to the Access Director and complete a vehicle registration card:
- Letter from physician stating the diagnosis, limitations, and need for accessible parking.
- State disability license, paperwork, and/or placard number.
Please remember to bring information regarding vehicle make/color/year and license number with you.