2023 CTE Signing Day

Apr 20, 2023

First Annual CTE Signing Day
We held our first-ever Career and Technical Education Signing Day on Saturday, April 15, 2023, in the Sechrest Field House. About fifty new students were in attendance at the event, where we celebrated their decision to attend one of MAC's CTE programs with a photo session while they signed a letter of intent!
Students also had the opportunity to enroll in classes, ask our staff questions, and participate in departmental tours. Plus, each participating student received a $500 scholarship to use at MAC this fall!
Thanks to all the new students and families who joined us for the Signing Day. We are looking forward to making this an annual event!
We're excited to see these incoming Cardinals on campus very soon!
Advance High School

Riley Damron, Computer Networking, Advance High School
Bismarck High School

Carter Hedrick, Allied Health Programs, Bismarck High School

Clayton Dee, HVAC and Refrigeration Technology, Bismarck High School

Janson King, Allied Health Programs, Bismarck High School

Joshua Lawson, Criminal Justice, Bismarck High School
DeSoto High School

Blake DeRousse, Nursing, De Soto Senior High School
Farmington High School

Collin Roth, Computer Networking, Farmington High School

Haley Fritz, Child Development, Farmington High School
Herculaneum High School

Kyle Johnson, Welding, Herculaneum High School
Jackson High School

Anna Hovis, Business Management, Jackson High School

Gavin Seyer, HVAC and Refrigeration Technology, Jackson High School

Malerie Koenegstein, Nursing, Jackson High School
Meadow Heights High School

Arron Major, Graphic Arts/Printing Technology, Meadow Heights High School

Tim Meier, Digital Media Technology, Meadow Heights High School
Northwest High School

Maxwell Neuschwander, Business Management, Northwest R-I High School
St. Vincent High School

Isaac Naeger, Engineering Technology--Design/Drafting, St. Vincent High School
Ste. Genevieve High School

Aiden Trollinger, Computer Networking, Ste. Genevieve High School

Kyleigh Przygoda, Allied Health Programs, Ste. Genevieve High School
Valle Catholic High School

Aly Bauman, Computer Networking, Valle Catholic High School

Jordynn Stewart, Nursing, Valle Catholic School
Windsor High School

Nicholas Daugherty, Engineering Tech/Manufacturing, Windsor High School

Darnell Moon, Computer Networking, Farmington

Kyle Smith, Welding, Farmington
Ste. Genevieve

Jacob Lemon, Ste. Genevieve, Welding
Arcadia Valley High School

Garrett Govreau, Welding, Arcadia Valley High School

Hannah Henson, Allied Health Programs, Arcadia Valley High School

Landon Robinson, Welding, Arcadia Valley High School

Zachary Pinkley, HVAC and Refrigeration, Arcadia Valley High School
Central High School

Gabrielle Sansoucie, Digital Media Technology, Central R-3 High School

Madison Miner, Business Management, Central R-3 High School
Ellington High School

Colby Hedrick, Criminal Justice, Ellington High School

Conor Miller, Welding, Ellington High School
Fredericktown High School

Cooper Durr, Electrical/Electronics Technology, Fredericktown High School

Owen Warner, Digital Media Technology, Fredericktown High School
Jefferson R-7 High School

Jess Blankenship, PTA, Jefferson R-7 High School

Konner Armstrong, Criminal Justice, Jefferson R-7 High School
Kingston High School

Hailey Sansoucie, Graphic Arts/Printing Technology, Kingston High School
North County High School

Arianna Slover, Allied Health Programs, North County High School

Haylie Williams, Allied Health Programs, North County High School
Perryville High School

Adelynn and Lilly Darwin, Graphic Arts/Printing Technology, Perryville High School

Jazmin Witcher, Graphic Arts/Printing Technology, Perryville High School

Madison Lappe, Allied Health Programs, Perryville High School
Troy Buchanan High School

Madeline Farris, EMT, Troy Buchanan High School
Valley R-6 High School

Eli Rawlins, HVAC and Refrigeration Technology, Valley R-VI High School

Peyton Watson, Allied Health Programs, Valley R-VI High School

Anna McMullan, Business Management, Desloge

Kaniya Madlock, Construction/Building Technology, Lesterville

Zackary Huber, Cybersecurity, Perryville