Journey to 2030


Mineral  Area Colleg Journey to 2030 Banner

Embark with us on the Journey to 2030, Mineral Area College's 2025-2030 Strategic Plan.

This roadmap, comprised of five key goals, guides our efforts to fulfill our mission to serve our communities by providing excellent, affordable opportunities for learning, personal growth, and career development in a safe and welcoming environment.

By prioritizing our students, staff, and the community, the Journey to 2030 ensures that Mineral Area College continues to be a vital resource for our region, empowering students to achieve their dreams, and contributing to the economic and social well-being of our communities.

Learn more about the plan's five goals:

Revitalize the online campus experience.

  • Implement a new Learning Management System to provide students with an improved online interface with mobile-friendly options.
  • Promote online access to student support resources.
  • Create a student orientation to online learning.
  • Develop a peer review process to ensure consistency and quality in online course offerings.


Ensure student needs are met to the highest level of quality throughout their experience at MAC.

  • Engage in support services program review to confirm that students receive the support they need throughout their academic career, from admissions to graduation.
  • Improve the academic program review processes to critically evaluate a program’s effectiveness and ensure that students meet program


Collaborate with four-year institutions to expand transfer opportunities.

  • Strengthen relationships with four-year institutions by increasing the number of program-specific transfer agreements.
  • Collaborate with receiving institutions on best practices in advising.

Evaluate and update safety protocols.

  • Revise emergency communications policies and procedures to address a growing college environment.
  • Update building terminology and room numbering to facilitate rapid emergency response.

Invest in physical campus infrastructure.

  • Renovate academic buildings, equipping all classrooms with updated technology to support instruction.
  • Renovate the Public Safety building to ensure a state-of-the-art training facility for Law Enforcement professionals.
  • Promote sustainability and cost savings by transitioning to solar energy.

Update employee policies to support work/life balance.

  • Examine family leave policies, including maternity and paternity leave.
  • Codify flex time parameters with a focus on meeting student needs.
  • Establish cross-training protocols for employees to eliminate the need for work communication while using PTO.


Prioritize competitive salary and benefits packages.

  • Implement salary equity following the established plan and phases.
  • Continue offering comprehensive insurance and retirement benefits.
  • Evaluate additional non-traditional programs and activities.


Promote productive communication at the department and institution levels.

  • Establish reasonable expectations and consistent norms for communication from department to department to break down silos.
  • Emphasize cross-campus collaboration on all committees.
  • Standardize reasonable expectations and consistency for communication from administration to reporting departments.

Increase annual student enrollment in headcount and credit hours.

  • Establish an Academic Advising Center to streamline the student enrollment experience.
  • Leverage communication software to engage students from the admissions process through enrollment.
  • Increase credit hour enrollment by 3% annually.

Foster academic success among all MAC students.

  • Invest in and expand the availability of academic support services for students.
  • Invest in and expand the availability of non-academic support services for students.
  • Raise retention and completion rates by 2%.


Expand the number of program offerings on the main campus and outreach centers.

  • Tailor course offerings at outreach centers to community needs.
  • Explore opportunities for new technical and academic programs.

Improve awareness of MAC’s services and events.

  • Launch an information campaign that shares lesser-known information about the college.
  • Promote student success outcomes such as graduation, transfer, and
    employment rates.


Increase the number of community events hosted on campus and at outreach centers.

  • Provide family-focused activities.
  • Support the Community Events Committee’s efforts to host more
    events on campus.


Expand community outreach.

  • Participate in service opportunities throughout our communities.
  • Support community events through participation and sponsorship opportunities.