Complaint Policies and Procedures

Complaint Policies and Procedures
Mineral Area College’s student complaint policy is documented in the Board Policy Manual section 5 as described below:
The purpose of this policy is to provide a means for Mineral Area College students who wish to have a concern resolved regarding a process or person of the college community, not covered by existing policies, both a formal and informal process for doing so. The objective of this policy is to resolve concerns as quickly and efficiently as possible for the student. A complaint should be filed during the semester of occurrence, but no later than 60 days from the first day of the following academic semester.
Individuals seeking information regarding the process of complaint resolution may consult with any of the following offices or individuals for assistance. Complaints may be filed as follows:
Academic Affairs/Grade Disputes: Complaints in regard to grade disputes should be filed with the Provost's Office.
(573) 518-2100
NON-ACADEMIC: Complaints including but not limited to all areas of student life such as student activities and organizations, dining services, and all other aspects of student services should be filed with the Dean of Students.
Dean of Students
(573) 518-2154
BUSINESS OPERATIONS/STUDENT ACCOUNTS: Complaints in regard to student billing and/or charges should be filed with the Chief Financial Officer.
Business Office
(573) 518-2235
COLLEGE HOUSING: Complaints in regard to room and board should be filed with the Director of College Park or the Dean of Students.
Director of College Park
(573) 518-1330
TITLE IX: All incidents involving harassment, sexual violence and/or discrimination should be filed with the Title IX Coordinator.
Title IX Coordinator
(573) 518-2264
Director of Human Resources
(573) 518-2379
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Complaints in regard to Mineral Area College employees should be filed with the Human Resource Manager and/or the Dean of Students.
Director of Human Resources
(573) 518-2379
Dean of Students
(573) 518-2154
CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT: Complaints of criminal misconduct should be filed directly with the Mineral Area College Director of Public Safety. Complaints relating to violations of federal law should be filed directly with the federal agency having cognizance over the matter in question (e.g., violations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act within the U.S. Department of Education).
Executive Director of Public Safety
(573) 518-2265
Informal Complaints: A student who is considering submitting a complaint should attempt to resolve the concern directly with the appropriate faculty member, staff member, or student. If the complainant is not satisfied, or not willing to address the issue with the individual, the student may file a STUDENT ISSUE FORM with the Dean of Students, or any college administrator. If the complainant is still not satisfied, a formal process may be initiated.
Formal Complaints: Written or typed complaints signed by a student and provided to one of the above offices, will be considered formal complaints. Complaints can be provided via US mail, Mineral Area College student email, faxed or hand-delivered. For the purposes of this policy, a student is someone who is currently enrolled full- or part-time or who has recently been enrolled in the institution. If the complainant is someone who has not been enrolled during the previous two semesters or academic year, or an alumnus who received a Mineral Area College degree or certificate two or more years ago, they are not considered a student for the purposes of this policy. Complaints received from non-students will not be tracked for the purposes of this policy, including nonstudent complaints that might relate to a student(s).
Filing a Formal Complaint: Write a letter (as indicated above) directed to the Dean of Students containing a brief narrative of the facts of the complaint, including the specific outcome/remedy being sought. Include contact information for future correspondence. There is no complaint form. Sign and date the letter. Attach any supporting documentation.
Mail, send via Mineral Area College email, fax, or hand-deliver the formal complaint to the Dean of Students: 5270 Flat River Road, Park Hills, MO 63601. Staff email addresses are found on the MAC website under directory information. Fax for the Dean of Students: 573-518-2359. Office: Arts and Sciences 119.
If the complaint is against the Dean of Students, the complaint should be sent to the Director of Human Resources: 5270 Flat River Road, Park Hills, MO 63601. Contact the office of the Human Resource Director for email and fax address information: 573-518-2378.
The Dean of Students or the Human Resource Director will initiate the resolution process by investigating the complaint with ten business days. The Dean of Students or the Human Resource Director will either make appropriate changes/follow-up to resolve the matter or uphold the initial process/policy. A response to the complainant will be sent within ten business days of the receipt of the complaint. If a longer time is needed to investigate and make a decision, a reasonable extension of the deadline will be made and the complainant will be notified of the deadline extension.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the resolution, an appeal can be made to the President’s Cabinet within ten business days from the receipt of the decision. A decision regarding the appeal will be conducted within ten business days of the receipt of the complaint appeal. The decision on the appeal is final.
Written, formal complaints signed by a student, along with all supporting documentation, will be tracked for reporting purposes. The Institutional Record of Student Complaints will be maintained on a record for a period of three years. The report will contain the total number of complaints, the nature of complaints received by generic category, and a summary record of each complaint received and the action taken, and will be reviewed annually by the Board of Trustees.
Mineral Area College Student Due Process and other grievance policies as published by the College should be followed for all complaints. All informal and formal institutional processes must be followed, and exhausted prior to filing a formal complaint with the Missouri Department of Workforce Development and Higher Education (MDHEWD). The complaint must be submitted in writing, using the MDHEWD complaint form available on the department’s website, along with instructions on how to proceed.
A copy of the Mineral Area College Student Due Process policy may be obtained from the office of the Dean of Students or on the MAC website at
Note: Students enrolled via National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements who are dissatisfied with the resolution to a formal complaint may contact the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development to file a formal complaint against the school.