Tuition Rates, Payments & Refunds


Tuition Rates and Fees Starting Fall 2024 Term

Per credit hour rates Base Tuition Tier 1 Tuition * Tier 2 Tuition^
In-district $156 $181 $211
Out-of-district $201 $226 $256
Out-of-state $253 $278 $308
International $265 $290 $320

$26/Credit Hour Student Support Fee

Supports the costs of campus security, information technology safety, ongoing use and expansion of technology, student engagement and support services for Mineral Area College students.

$15/Credit Hour Web Support Fee for Web Classes

*Tier 1 rate applies to Computer Science (CSC), Graphic Arts & Printing Technology (GRA), Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA), Radio & Television Broadcasting Technology (RTV).
^Tier 2 rate applies to Automotive Collision Technology (ACT), Air Heating and Refrigeration (AHR), Automotive Technology (AUT), Construction/Building Technology (CBT), Electrical Technology (ETT), Electrical/Electronics Technology (EEE), Fiber Optic Technology (FOT), Manufacturing (MFG), Technology (TEC), Welding Technology (WLD), Health Related Technology (HLT)#, Paramedic Technology (PAR), Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) and Practical Nursing (PN) programs. #Effective Spring 2025, the following exceptions apply; HLT 2350 Medical Terminology I & HLT 2360 Medical Terminology II qualify for the base tuition rate.


Tuition Rates and Fees Starting Fall 2025 Term

Per credit hour rates Base Tuition Tier 1 Tuition * Tier 2 Tuition^
In-district $162 $187 $217
Out-of-district $207 $232 $262
Out-of-state $259 $284 $314
International $271 $296 $326


$30/Credit Hour Student Support Fee
Supports the costs of campus security, information technology safety, ongoing use and expansion of technology, student engagement and support services for Mineral Area College students.

$15/Credit Hour Web Support Fee for Web Classes

*Tier 1 rate applies to Computer Science (CSC), Graphic Arts & Printing Technology (GRA), Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA), Radio & Television Broadcasting Technology (RTV).
^Tier 2 rate applies to Automotive Collision Technology (ACT), Air Heating and Refrigeration (AHR), Automotive Technology (AUT), Construction/Building Technology (CBT), Electrical Technology (ETT), Electrical/Electronics Technology (EEE), Fiber Optic Technology (FOT), Manufacturing (MFG), Technology (TEC), Welding Technology (WLD), Health Related Technology (HLT)#, Paramedic Technology (PAR), Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) and Practical Nursing (PN) programs. #Effective Spring 2025, the following exceptions apply; HLT 2350 Medical Terminology I & HLT 2360 Medical Terminology II qualify for the base tuition rate.


What Tuition Rate Do You Pay?
To receive the in-district rate, you or your parent (if you are a dependent) will be required to document residency within the college's taxing district. The burden of proof of eligibility for in-district tuition rests solely with the student. Presence within the taxing district for a minimum of the immediate past 12 consecutive months and proof of intent to make the taxing district a permanent home are the first criteria. Additional information for proving in-district residence is available in the Business Office in the Arts & Sciences Building.

Financial Obligation
A financial obligation is incurred at the time of enrollment. Whenever you enroll for classes at Mineral Area College by either completing a paper enrollment form or enrolling via the web, it is at that point that a financial obligation has incurred. The Business Office works closely with the Financial Aid Office. If your Financial Aid file has been completed and you are eligible for financial aid, that information is accessible to the Business Office.



Payments may be made in person at the Cashier window of the Business Office during normal business hours. Mineral Area College accepts cash, check, money orders, as well as Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover debit or credit cards.

Payments may be made online with a credit or debit card by logging on to MyMAC, click on My Account Info, scroll down to Make a Payment, then click on My Account Balances.

Payments may also be made by using a credit card via the telephone or by mailing your check to the address below. Your canceled check is your receipt. Checks must be for the exact total and must be received by the Business Office by the published deadlines.

*NOTE: Please include your student ID number on your check!

Mineral Area College
Attn: Business Office
P O Box 1000
Park Hills, MO 63601


Spring 2025

Students are financially responsible for all charges on your account at the time of registration.

A down payment of $500 for full-time (12 or more hours enrolled) and $250 for part-time (11 hours or less hours enrolled) students will be expected for tuition and fees by December 15, or at the time of enrollment thereafter, unless sufficient financial aid is on file to cover the down payment.

Registered tuition and fees must be paid in full by the published payment deadline date. Students should prepare to have one of these options in place prior to enrolling for classes at Mineral Area College:

1. Apply for financial aid (FAFSA, A+, student loans, scholarships, veterans benefits, etc.)
2. Sign up to participate in a monthly payment plan for fall and spring semesters. Summer semester does not have a payment plan option.
3. Pay in full at the time of enrollment

Balance is due by January 15, 2025. Any student who has a balance due after this date will be automatically enrolled into a 2-month payment plan. If placed on a payment plan, additional fees are applied. All payments from the payment plan end on March 15 and a fee hold will be placed on accounts that are not paid in full by this date. Students who have a fee hold placed on their account will not be able to enroll in future semesters or have access to their diploma until the balance is paid in full. Holds also apply to students on a payment plan.

Accounts not paid in full by May 15 will be sent the State of Missouri for tax interception and/or collections. An additional $25 fee will be added to accounts sent to collections.

High School dual credit/dual enrollment student balances are due May 1, 2025. High school students do not enroll in a payment plan.

To view payment plan options, click on the My Account Info tab and scroll down to Payment Plan Enrollment.

Summer 2025

Students are financially responsible for all charges on your account at the time of registration.

A down payment of $500 for full-time and $250 for part-time students for tuition and fees or financial aid on your account to cover this amount will be expected by May 15 or at the time of enrollment thereafter. High School students are exempt from the down payment.

Registered tuition and fees must be paid in full by the published payment deadline date. Students should prepare to have one of these options in place prior to enrolling for classes at Mineral Area College:

1. Apply for financial aid (FAFSA, A+, student loans, scholarships, veteran’s benefits, etc.).

2. Sign up to participate in a monthly payment plan for fall and spring semesters. Summer semester does not have a payment plan option.

3. Pay in full at the time of enrollment.

Balance is due by July 15, 2025 to not incur additional fees. There are no payment plans for the summer semester. A fee hold will be placed on accounts that are not paid in full by this date. Students who have a fee hold placed on their account will not be able to enroll in future semesters or receive their diploma until the balance is paid.

Accounts not paid in full by July 15 will be sent to the State of Missouri for tax interception and/or collections. An additional $25 fee will be added to accounts sent to collections.

High School dual credit/dual enrollment student balances are due July 1, 2025! A fee hold will be placed on accounts on July 2 and the student will not be allowed to continue to the next semester until the balance is paid.

Fall 2025

Students are financially responsible for all charges on your account at the time of registration.

A deposit of $600 for full-time (12 or more hours enrolled) and $300 for part-time (11 hours or less hours enrolled) students will be required for tuition and fees by July 15, or at the time of enrollment thereafter, unless sufficient financial aid is on file to cover the deposit. Failure to make the deposit or have financial aid on file will result in classes being dropped.

Registered tuition and fees must be paid in full by the published payment deadline date. Students should prepare to have one of these options in place prior to enrolling for classes at Mineral Area College:

1. Apply for financial aid (FAFSA, A+, student loans, scholarships, veterans benefits, etc.)
2. Sign up to participate in a monthly payment plan for fall and spring semesters. Summer semester does not have a payment plan option.
3. Pay in full at the time of enrollment

Balance is due by August 15, 2025. Any student who has a balance due after this date will be automatically enrolled into a 2-month payment plan. If placed on a payment plan, additional fees are applied. All payments from the payment plan end on October 15, 2025 and a fee hold will be placed on accounts that are not paid in full by this date. Students who have a fee hold placed on their account will not be able to enroll in future semesters or have access to their diploma until the balance is paid in full. Holds also apply to students on a payment plan.

Accounts not paid in full by December 15, 2025 will be sent the State of Missouri for tax interception and/or collections. An additional $25 fee will be added to accounts sent to collections.

High School dual credit/dual enrollment student balances are due December 1, 2025. High school students do not enroll in a payment plan.

To view payment plan options, click on the My Account Info tab and scroll down to Payment Plan Enrollment.

Unpaid balances may be sent to a collection agency and are subject to the State of MO Debt Offset Interception program. Students who have unpaid balances owed to Mineral Area College will not be allowed to do any of the following until the hold is removed: 

  • Enroll in courses in subsequent semesters
  • Receive a diploma or certificate
  • Access certain areas of MyMAC

We use paperless billing. An email reminder is sent around the 5th of the month letting you know your statement is available to view.  Just log in to MyMAC, go to the My Account Info tab, then scroll down to Term Billing Statements.  Once there, select the specific year and term you wish to view.


Payment plans are available for the spring and fall semesters only.  They are not available for summer semester.  

If enrolling in a payment plan, there is a one-time, non-refundable payment plan enrollment fee of $25.00.  Payments are due the 15th day of the month; if payment plans are late or are short the payment plan amount, a $15.00 late fee will be assessed along with the service charge of less than 1%.

Refund Policy

Refunds for dropped courses or withdrawal from the College are based on the percentage of the term completed.  Refunds vary depending on the length of the term for which a student is enrolled.  A regular term is 16 weeks, however, some courses are offered in terms that are less than 16 weeks.  The student billing system will automatically calculate the refund due based on the time of day a drop is processed.

Please make sure you understand the implications whenever dropping or withdrawing from a course.

16-Week Course Policy

  • Calendar Days  1-7 --- 100% Refund
  • Calendar Days  8-14 --- 50% Refund
  • Calendar Day 15 and after --- NO Refund
8-Week Course Policy
  • Calendar Days 1-4 ---100% Refund
  • Calendar Days 5-8 ---50% Refund
  • Calendar Day 9 and after ---NO Refund

For more information on dropping a course, please contact the Business Office and the Financial Aid Office to make sure your financial aid will not be affected.