Billy Zuck - Centennial Alumni Spotlight

Sep 20, 2022

Billy Zuck completing the United States Marine Corp boot camp.

Billy and wife Bonnie, celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary.

Billy addressing the Fredericktown Chamber of Commerce in 1982
Earning his Associate of Arts in Psychology, this achievement makes him one of the oldest students to graduate from Mineral Area College. Billy has completed his degree mostly online through our accredited online courses, job well done!
Before college, Billy’s career was mostly in the service sector. He started in laundry/dry cleaning management, had a brief stint in real estate sales, and ultimately started a successful janitorial business.
His first college course was in the fall of 1983 at MAC. His next one at the college wouldn't be until the Spring of 2020.
As an only child, he was raised by a single mother who had cancer surgery while he was in the 11th grade. Billy decided to drop out of school mid-year and went to work for Kroger Grocery as a stock boy to help his family. He deems this pivotal life change as what would lead him to all of the paths chosen in his life, ultimately making him stronger as a person overall.
Watch Billy explain his motivations to attend MAC later in life and what the MAC faculty, staff, and courses taught him as a student.
Congratulations on your accomplishments and thank you for sharing your inspiring, incredible story, Billy!