Free Food Distribution at MAC

Jul 3, 2024

Free Food Distribution at MAC
Updated July 8, 2:25 pm:
Due to tomorrow's forecasted heavy rain, this month's FARMs Drive-Through Food Distribution at Mineral Area College has been canceled. Our first distribution will now be held on the second Tuesday in August. Please mark your calendar for Tuesday, August 13, at 1:00 p.m.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
For more information about FARMs or to get schedule updates, please visit
Starting in August, Mineral Area College is pleased to partner with the St. Louis Area Foodbank to host a drive-through Food Access Resource Market (FARM) in our community on the second Tuesday of every month. FARMs are rapid food distributions held in strategically placed locations in every county the St. Louis Area Foodbank serves, providing a reliable source of food to neighbors in areas that lack pantry access points.
The FARM event is an opportunity for our neighbors to get a mix of fresh and non-perishable food items at no cost. There is no identification or income verification requirement – anyone is welcome.
On Tuesday, August 13, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m., the first FARM drive-through food event will be held in Student Lot A at Mineral Area College. Patrons are asked to enter the main campus from Flat River Road and turn left into Student Lot A, proceed through the food distribution area, and exit campus at Flat River Road. To avoid traffic issues, please do not use the Hwy O entrance to arrive or depart from this event.
This event is set up as a drive-through distribution, and volunteers and/or staff of Mineral Area College will put food directly into your car. We ask that you have space in your vehicle for the food items and that you do not leave your vehicle during the distribution.
Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the event. The distribution will end at the stated time or once all the food and other resources have been distributed.
For more information about FARMs or to get schedule updates, please visit or follow @STLFoodbank on Facebook or Instagram.