TRIO Talent Search Scholarships 2024


Jun 12, 2024


Congratulations to these TRIO Talent Search Scholarship Winners!

TRIO Talent Search awards scholarships each year to graduating seniors based on academic achievement, community and school activities, special recognition and awards, and volunteer experience. This year, four Talent Search students, Conner Brewster, Jada Dickey, Aliyah Brooks, and Bailey Wells, each received $500 to apply toward college expenses.


Conner Brewster and TRIO Talent Search Academic Advisor Christa Tinsley

Conner Brewster and TRIO Talent Search Academic Advisor Christa Tinsley

Conner Brewster
Bismarck High School

Conner plans to attend Mineral Area College to pursue Automotive Technology. He says that Talent Search helped "build my confidence and provided me with methods and resources to study and succeed."

TRIO Talent Search Academic Advisor Christa Tinsley and Jada Dickey

TRIO Talent Search Academic Advisor Christa Tinsley and Jada Dickey

Jada Dickey
Bismarck High School

Jada will attend the University of Missouri-Columbia for Pre-Med Biology. Jada says that Talent Search "gave me advice as to the best options and the best route for me to take [for college and scholarships]. There is no other program like TRIO."

TRIO Talent Search Academic Advisor Kendra Pigg and Aliyah Brooks

TRIO Talent Search Academic Advisor Kendra Pigg and Aliyah Brooks

Aliyah Brooks
Valley High School

Aliyah will attend Mineral Area College to earn her associate degree before transferring to a university. She has been a participant in Talent Search since 6th grade and says that Talent Search provided "the opportunity to attend trips, receive guidance in setting goals, and creating an effective plan to reach them. [They] helped me conquer and achieve any goal I've set."

Bailey Wells and TRIO Talent Search Director Whitney Wolk Maddux

Bailey Wells and TRIO Talent Search Director Whitney Wolk Maddux

Bailey Wells
Arcadia Valley High School

Bailey will attend Southeast Missouri State University to pursue a business degree. She has been a participant in Talent Search since 6th grade. In her scholarship application, Bailey said that her Talent Search advisor "was always helping me figure out what scholarship opportunities there were and how I could get a head start on filling them out. My advisor was the one that insisted I start applying to colleges early, and now that I am nearing the end of my high school career, I realize it was a great decision to make."

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About TRIO Talent Search

Mineral Area College hosts two TRIO Talent Search programs, each funded by the U. S. Department of Education through a $250,000/yr grant for five years.  

The objective of the programs is to help low-income and potential first-generation college students prepare for and succeed in an education program after high school (university, community college, technical or vocational school.)  TRIO Talent Search not only provides encouragement and support, but educational guidance in areas such as study skills, career exploration, financial aid resources, college orientation, and admission process.

Our services are FREE of charge but participation does require a time commitment from both students and parents in order for students to take advantage of everything that the program offers. TRIO Talent Search Advisors visit local schools regularly during the school day for group workshops. 

Click here for more information about the program, or contact TRIO Talent Search Director Whitney Wolk Maddux at or (573) 518-2383.