Campus Parking Rules and Regulations

Student Parking on the Campus
Students may park in any parking lot marked for students. No student is allowed to park in the faculty/staff parking lots. The college will actively participate in the prosecution of individuals who violate laws on the college campus or at off campus activities sponsored by the college. MACDPS is authorized to issue tickets for violations of the rules and regulations set forth in this pamphlet, as well as offenses defined by the revised statutes of Missouri. MACDPS will not authorize privileges deviating from these rules and regulations. Enforcement of these rules is on a 24 hour basis, 7 days a week.
Special Parking Permits
Those in need of special parking privileges due to an injury or a permanent disability are to obtain a special permit from the Access Office, Room AS119 in the Arts and Sciences Building.
College Park
Information regarding College Park parking can be found in the check-in materials provided to residents during that process.
A copy of the student due process policy can be found in the Student Planner, on the college web page under the General Information tab, or can be picked up in the Dean of Students Office on campus, Room AS119.
Loss or Damages
Mineral Area College bears no responsibility for the safety, care, or protection of any vehicles and/or contents while parked on college grounds.
Parking Fines/Campus Violations
Mineral Area College fines are handled through the business office and appeals of those fines are handled through the Dean of Students. All offenses marked with a * are issued on a Missouri Uniform Complaint or Summons (MUCS) form, and are set for hearing in the designated Missouri Circuit Court for St. Francois County. As these are state court appearances, these actions cannot be appealed through the Mineral Area College internal due process procedure. Fines for cases in Missouri Circuit Courts are set by those courts, so individuals receiving MUCS forms should contact the applicable Circuit Court for information related to those fine amounts.
- Student or visitor parking in staff lot any time: $25 per Offense.
- Unauthorized parking (college closed). Vehicle must be parked on the lot at least 48 hours continuously. $25
- Entering an area restricted from vehicle traffic. $25
- Failure to comply with traffic signs posted for vehicle control. $25
- Operating a motor vehicle in a careless and imprudent manner. (Per RSMo 304.012) $100-$300
- Unauthorized use, counterfeiting, altering, or defacing permits. $50
- Parking on or over parking space lines. $25
- Parking at a yellow curb or crossed out area. $25
- Parking in a driveway, on walk ways/sidewalks, lawn areas, loading zones, fire lanes, or any designated as “NO PARKING” area. $25
- Unauthorized parking in a handicapped or crossed out section next to handicapped space (Per RSMo 301.43). $50-$300